Sunday 12 May 2013

All change for the bay

Today whilst awaiting the kick off of the mighty blues against West Ham I decided to take a walk to the beach in order to see what the new works done to the beach had done to my favourite fishing spec. When I got there I was aghast to see that were there had previously been a 10ft drop the sand was now flush to the top and you could literally just step off onto the new whiter sands. I decided to walk along the beach and the change was dramatic, where once there was nothing but beds of mussels and lug castes there was now white sand littered with at least a dozen species of shell fish remains which I personally have never seen on this stretch. The carcasses and scattered appendages of crab are also absent. I ventured further towards the dreaded sea sports complex which has just been built. which many of us blame for the change in the fishing along this shore and there were two anglers tucked right up to the complex and as I got nearer and chatting as one usually does when seeing a fellow angler on the bank he revealed he had caught a bass approximately two hours before high tide whilst stood on this new and far cleaner sand. Looking at the bass I estimated it to be between two and five pounds in weight. It was caught to lug though he was also using whole crab on the other hook. Whilst there I saw him miss a couple of bites. This is really encouraging as last week I also saw another plaice pulled out a little further along in Rhos. The overall condition of the beach is much improved as was the water quality with the exceptions of the litter dropped by tourists and deadbeats who inhabit some of the shelters. I think I shall have to once again take to the shore especially as the football season is almost over. 

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