Thursday 30 May 2013

Brace Yourself the Plaice Are Coming

Today having a little bit of crab left decided to have a walk down Rhos basin. Weather was overcast and a little wet so I set up for comfort in one of the shelters and cast out my usual rig of a 5oz lead with a single boom and hook.Again my bait of choice is peeler. I got a few little bites until I cracked into a decent plaice - wasn't very large but was quite fat for a flatty. The pic is below

This little beauty wasn't that long but was quite fat. I felt he was a little bit small for keeping so threw him back to fight another day. About an hour passed with little nibbles here and there until I struck into the next one.

This little fella was camera shy, though a little longer he didn't weigh nearly as much as the first one. I also popped him back to fight another day.

Upon talking to several other anglers on the bank I found they had all blanked to worm though was pointed in the direction of a really good bass spot for future sessions.

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