Tuesday 28 May 2013

Rhos In The Sun

I decided to go fishing this Saturday and chose one of my usual haunts. Rhos basin inbetween the harbour and the start of the rocks which make up the sea defense. It was a scorching day and the water was as clear as a foreign beach. I fished an hour below and an hour over. I chose a one hook flapper as I often do and used peeler eleasticated onto the hook. For the first couple of hours I caught nothing, not even a bite but as the tide began to turn I hooked into a nice plaice. He came in with a little fight and was definitely a keeper. A picture is shown below.

After this one came in there were no real other bites to speak of. Other anglers blanked along the prom but I have no idea what they were using as rig/bait. When phoning a friend as I left I was informed that plaice had also come off Llandudno pier. It really does seem as if things are picking up along the coast at the moment. Bass and plaice have been coming off this stretch of beach regularly over the last several weeks so it is a venue in form.

I should be going out again today (Wednesday) all being well and shall keep you posted. 

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