Monday 28 May 2012


I went fishing on the Rhos on sea promonade today, as I approached the pollution which wasn't there a couple of days ago was evident. Some people claimed it to be algae - but from my experience algae doesn't contain rubbish and some less savoury items floating within it. Anyhooo I used a two hook flapper rig with crab as the bait. There was a slight south easterly breeze which brought a refreshing air to a very hot session. I had only one little bite or it could have been a very large crab but hit into nothing. There was only one other chap fishing who turned up at high tide and feathered for mackerel with no success. High tide today was quarter to five in the afternoon and as I have maintained about this venue - the nicer the weather the worse the fishing when on the prom/beach. Well until next time... Tight lines

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