Tuesday 28 May 2013

As I walked back from getting my bait, I ran into another angler with his children. As usually happens a conversation broke out and I found he had fished Pensarn Beach and blanked over the weekend as well as fishing the Arches to which 2/3 of his party caught again the Plaice which is currently on everybodies hooks.

I ventured home to get my gear as high tide wasn't for another 3 hours or so.

We decided to fish up by the Old Colwyn arches. The bank was heavily laden with anglers today. We came at an hour and a half before high tide and cast out. There was light rain and it was overcast so we thought fishing would be good - it wasn't. Not a single proper bite was had by anybody along the road. We had a couple of little knocks between us but no real bites as such. 

As I have a load of bait left I shall be out in Rhos again tomorrow. Talking on the bank to others though it seems night is producing bags of whiting and small bass so maybe it will be a late session rather than afternoon.

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