Sunday 9 June 2013

A tale of two sessions - Drop the Bass

Today we decided to fish the Cayley at Rhos Point as I had been advised that this was a great spot. Two hook flappers were used with crab. lug and squid rotated. We caught nowt but the sun. 
As we had bait left we thought we would fish the waining tide and went down to Penrhyn Bay just near where Prince Madoc set off to discover America centuries before Columbus. 
Again two hook flappers with mixed baits and as I was messing about on the rocks and taking pictures my rod hit the deck and putting it down to a bit of wind I jumped down and wandered over to it as it started getting dragged towards the sea. Game on I picked up the rod and struck... rewarded with a nice little bass of a couple of pound or so. The picture of this is below.

Please excuse the colouration of the image as a setting must have been tweaked. We continued to chase the tide and our baits were gone quite regularly when reeling in.

This is surly going to be my low water venue - expect to get your feet wet though.

Tight lines.

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