Sunday 23 June 2013

4 times not the charm

Well with the really high tide myself and my partner in crime decided to take to the shore. We were mindful of the algae situation which has plagued us for the last few weeks but decided the rough weather would probably have cleared it.  The South Easterly wind should have put us off but we decided to brave it with 29mph and a lashing high tide we knew we would struggle.

We first went to Rhos and fishing our usual two flapper rig with peeler as the bait and I had a couple of knocks but no solid bites this became tedious so at high tide we hightailed it up to Llandudno just East of the paddling pool... This was unfishable the winds were worse here and we couldn't hold bottom with our heaviest leads so we decided to go to the arches and this was also under a deluge of water... We were soaked from head to toe within minutes of casting out. Rods were being blown over and our patience was wearing thin so as the tide retreated we decided to move as our plan to chase the tide down wasn't going to work here as it was still far to rough. We decided to pop to the New Sands just to the left of the new water sports centre as I had seen tasty little bass come off this mark in the previous weeks. Again the wind was too strong and we lost gear as our kit was washed into the rocks.

Cold and wet we were beaten and decided to call it a day.

With all the bait in the fridge I shall be out over the coming days as another friend wants to hit Rhos as he hasn't been out for a few months. I shall keep you posted.

Until next time - tight lines

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