Thursday 30 May 2013

Tide Times 31-05-13 Colwyn Bay Area

High Tides For The Colwyn Bay Area.

Friday                         04:15                  16:51
Saturday                     05:16                  17:55
Sunday                       06:21                  19:04
Monday                       07:28                  20:12
Tuesday                      08:32                  21:11
Wednesday                 09:28                  22:00

Brace Yourself the Plaice Are Coming

Today having a little bit of crab left decided to have a walk down Rhos basin. Weather was overcast and a little wet so I set up for comfort in one of the shelters and cast out my usual rig of a 5oz lead with a single boom and hook.Again my bait of choice is peeler. I got a few little bites until I cracked into a decent plaice - wasn't very large but was quite fat for a flatty. The pic is below

This little beauty wasn't that long but was quite fat. I felt he was a little bit small for keeping so threw him back to fight another day. About an hour passed with little nibbles here and there until I struck into the next one.

This little fella was camera shy, though a little longer he didn't weigh nearly as much as the first one. I also popped him back to fight another day.

Upon talking to several other anglers on the bank I found they had all blanked to worm though was pointed in the direction of a really good bass spot for future sessions.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

As I walked back from getting my bait, I ran into another angler with his children. As usually happens a conversation broke out and I found he had fished Pensarn Beach and blanked over the weekend as well as fishing the Arches to which 2/3 of his party caught again the Plaice which is currently on everybodies hooks.

I ventured home to get my gear as high tide wasn't for another 3 hours or so.

We decided to fish up by the Old Colwyn arches. The bank was heavily laden with anglers today. We came at an hour and a half before high tide and cast out. There was light rain and it was overcast so we thought fishing would be good - it wasn't. Not a single proper bite was had by anybody along the road. We had a couple of little knocks between us but no real bites as such. 

As I have a load of bait left I shall be out in Rhos again tomorrow. Talking on the bank to others though it seems night is producing bags of whiting and small bass so maybe it will be a late session rather than afternoon.

Rhos In The Sun

I decided to go fishing this Saturday and chose one of my usual haunts. Rhos basin inbetween the harbour and the start of the rocks which make up the sea defense. It was a scorching day and the water was as clear as a foreign beach. I fished an hour below and an hour over. I chose a one hook flapper as I often do and used peeler eleasticated onto the hook. For the first couple of hours I caught nothing, not even a bite but as the tide began to turn I hooked into a nice plaice. He came in with a little fight and was definitely a keeper. A picture is shown below.

After this one came in there were no real other bites to speak of. Other anglers blanked along the prom but I have no idea what they were using as rig/bait. When phoning a friend as I left I was informed that plaice had also come off Llandudno pier. It really does seem as if things are picking up along the coast at the moment. Bass and plaice have been coming off this stretch of beach regularly over the last several weeks so it is a venue in form.

I should be going out again today (Wednesday) all being well and shall keep you posted. 

Friday 24 May 2013

Winds of Change

So last night I decided to go and do a spot near the pier. I used a standard one hook rig with crab. The conditions whilst beautiful were unforgiving. The tide ran so strong it caught me in seconds taking my tripod, rod and covering me. The wind was lashing so much and the tide was so strong that no distance could be obtained on the cast and the rig was soon close to the beach again. I shall go again this weekend and this time I shall go to the Rhos on Sea basin.

Sunday 12 May 2013

All change for the bay

Today whilst awaiting the kick off of the mighty blues against West Ham I decided to take a walk to the beach in order to see what the new works done to the beach had done to my favourite fishing spec. When I got there I was aghast to see that were there had previously been a 10ft drop the sand was now flush to the top and you could literally just step off onto the new whiter sands. I decided to walk along the beach and the change was dramatic, where once there was nothing but beds of mussels and lug castes there was now white sand littered with at least a dozen species of shell fish remains which I personally have never seen on this stretch. The carcasses and scattered appendages of crab are also absent. I ventured further towards the dreaded sea sports complex which has just been built. which many of us blame for the change in the fishing along this shore and there were two anglers tucked right up to the complex and as I got nearer and chatting as one usually does when seeing a fellow angler on the bank he revealed he had caught a bass approximately two hours before high tide whilst stood on this new and far cleaner sand. Looking at the bass I estimated it to be between two and five pounds in weight. It was caught to lug though he was also using whole crab on the other hook. Whilst there I saw him miss a couple of bites. This is really encouraging as last week I also saw another plaice pulled out a little further along in Rhos. The overall condition of the beach is much improved as was the water quality with the exceptions of the litter dropped by tourists and deadbeats who inhabit some of the shelters. I think I shall have to once again take to the shore especially as the football season is almost over.