Monday 28 May 2012


I went fishing on the Rhos on sea promonade today, as I approached the pollution which wasn't there a couple of days ago was evident. Some people claimed it to be algae - but from my experience algae doesn't contain rubbish and some less savoury items floating within it. Anyhooo I used a two hook flapper rig with crab as the bait. There was a slight south easterly breeze which brought a refreshing air to a very hot session. I had only one little bite or it could have been a very large crab but hit into nothing. There was only one other chap fishing who turned up at high tide and feathered for mackerel with no success. High tide today was quarter to five in the afternoon and as I have maintained about this venue - the nicer the weather the worse the fishing when on the prom/beach. Well until next time... Tight lines

Friday 25 May 2012


Firstly I would like to say sorry that I have been absent recently, work and exam commitments married with tides I couldn't hit left me unable to fish. But today I went out sun shining to my local spot. Fished the same tactic and bait that proved successful last time and i caught... nowt. A few tentative bites to the crab on a single hook flapper rig and a lot of crab activity but other than that there was nothing but a lovely day in the sunshine on the prom of Colwyn Bay. The wind was an issue an south westerly (regardless of what the passer by said) this made it hard to tighten up to the rig with a semi constant bow in the line.I fished 1 and 2/3s up and 1 1/4 down/. I was lucky the local bait shop gave me an overload of crabs because I will be out again tomorrow and will as always keep you informed. Hope to see you on the bank soon and tight lines.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Crazy Waving

Today I witnessed Llandudno taking a beating, so much so the fishing gantry on the pier was getting covered in waves. This was mirrored all up the coast. This will more than likely have a profound impact on the fishing especially as a few miles a long the shore a tanker was washed on to the rocks last night and we as locals are praying for no leakage from the vessels fuel tanks. The scenes are breath taking with the ferocity of nature but all in all I am glad to be back in the house. 

Monday 2 April 2012

point for bay

We elected not to fish splash point tonight. I was rewarded with a plaice to about 2lb and a juvenile. He promptly went back. Another lad with us also had a small plaice... Out of 4 of us 2 had catches (not to brag but I had 2 haha) The bait of the day was crab. We fished an hour and a half up and the same down. As we left other anglers caught a little rockling. This is defo a mark which is on the up and up.

Sunday 1 April 2012

new domain name

This blog has a new domain name which forwards to this blog. It is easy to remember it's hopefully this will allow the blog to get a half decent ranking in Google and other search engines.

April Fools Fishing

After a nice day at work and the sun was shining I thought a few hours on the prom in the same spot I fished last time was in order... I was wrong having tried frozen lug on a running line rig this ended in no bites. I got chatting to two other lads 30 yards down from me and they advised peeler and then donated me one. I chopped it in half and straight away I had a bite which I promptly missed. As I was low on crab now I tipped the bit left with lug... Another bite which I missed as the lug had obscured the hook. I saw the two lads land a plaice a piece so I moved down closer to where they were where the graffiti'd beach shelter was.The fish are shown below.

As the wind had picked up and the sun had gone this became a comfortable haven. I tried lug again this time as now I was out of crab on a one hook boomed flapper and nothing... I would rue missing the best of the tide. But carried on chatting and trying on the lug again plagued by crabs... I will be fishing this venue again very soon so watch this space.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Splashpoint Pt1

Final details for a trip to Splash Point in Rhyl put together. Couple of us going and we will be taking Lug - fresh and frozen as well as some mackerel. Usual two hook flapper rigs will be the call of the day. I have heard doggies and flatties are coming off to small baits so will wait and see. If you are at the Point before Monday or have a some good advice regarding this mark please comment below. I haven't fished this mark since I was a nipper but from what I remember heavy weights are the key.

Friday 30 March 2012

This Weeks Tide Times (Colwyn Bay)

31/03/12     4.56AM & 5.44PM
01/04/12     6.24AM & 7.13PM
02/04/12     7.48AM & 8.29PM
03/04/12     8.53AM & 9.26PM
04/04/12     9.44AM & 10.13PM
05/04/12     10.30AM & 10.57PM

Hope these help guys and tight lines.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


A lovely scorcher of a day leads me to about 20m away to the left of Colwyn Bay Pier. Starting at an hour and a half before high tide (which was still plenty high) and an hour down. I only used a 2 hook flapper one hook having fluro beads above it and one plain. I was after using up some old bait so todays offering for the fish was some left over frozen lug, some salted lug and an old Mackerel fillet. In the first hour I had several bites to the frozen lug worm but ended up striking at nothing. The bites were solid enough but nothing there when I struck. Talking to another angler as I packed up he had been having the same bite issue a little further up. I tried each of the baits until they ran out and something had been having a go at the maccy strips but this stretch of beach is thick with crabs. All in all it was an enjoyable days fishing if not very productive. I will try this mark again in the next few days.

Saturday 24 March 2012

This Weeks Tide Times

Tide Times (Colwyn Bay)

25/03/12     00:06AM     1.21PM
26/03/12     01.35AM     1.52PM
27/03/12     02.04AM     2.23PM
28/03/12     02.35AM     2.57PM
29/03/12     03.10AM     3.37PM
30/03/12     03.53AM     4.29PM

These are the high tide times at Colwyn Bay, North Wales - there will be slight deviations depending where you fish. So tight lines and come back for some more fishing reports and tide times.

Sunday 18 March 2012

This Weeks Tide Times

Tide Times Colwyn Bay

19/03/12      08:42am       21:19pm
20/03/12      09:31am       10:00pm
21/03/12      10:11am       10:36pm
22/03/12      10:46am       11:08pm
23/03/12      11:19am       11:38pm
24/03/12      11:50am

Ok so a friend and myself fished a comfy stretch of Rhos on Sea prom. I had a sliding rig and my mate had a 2 hook flapper. We both tried fresh lug and also I tried a bit of mackerel. We fished high tide and two hours down. Unfortunately we didn't even get a knock. This stretch is becoming really disheartening. We will be back though.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Welcome to my blog. It will cover the many days fishing I do in the North Wales region. The purpose of this blog is to fill the hole that seems to exist online of reports for this area. I hope to update regularly with my own experiences and also what I see around me when out. I will also include tips from the locals of what is working and what is not. I hope you come back regularly and enjoy and make use of this blog - until next time, tight lines.