Sunday 1 April 2012

April Fools Fishing

After a nice day at work and the sun was shining I thought a few hours on the prom in the same spot I fished last time was in order... I was wrong having tried frozen lug on a running line rig this ended in no bites. I got chatting to two other lads 30 yards down from me and they advised peeler and then donated me one. I chopped it in half and straight away I had a bite which I promptly missed. As I was low on crab now I tipped the bit left with lug... Another bite which I missed as the lug had obscured the hook. I saw the two lads land a plaice a piece so I moved down closer to where they were where the graffiti'd beach shelter was.The fish are shown below.

As the wind had picked up and the sun had gone this became a comfortable haven. I tried lug again this time as now I was out of crab on a one hook boomed flapper and nothing... I would rue missing the best of the tide. But carried on chatting and trying on the lug again plagued by crabs... I will be fishing this venue again very soon so watch this space.

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