Wednesday 4 April 2012

Crazy Waving

Today I witnessed Llandudno taking a beating, so much so the fishing gantry on the pier was getting covered in waves. This was mirrored all up the coast. This will more than likely have a profound impact on the fishing especially as a few miles a long the shore a tanker was washed on to the rocks last night and we as locals are praying for no leakage from the vessels fuel tanks. The scenes are breath taking with the ferocity of nature but all in all I am glad to be back in the house. 

Monday 2 April 2012

point for bay

We elected not to fish splash point tonight. I was rewarded with a plaice to about 2lb and a juvenile. He promptly went back. Another lad with us also had a small plaice... Out of 4 of us 2 had catches (not to brag but I had 2 haha) The bait of the day was crab. We fished an hour and a half up and the same down. As we left other anglers caught a little rockling. This is defo a mark which is on the up and up.

Sunday 1 April 2012

new domain name

This blog has a new domain name which forwards to this blog. It is easy to remember it's hopefully this will allow the blog to get a half decent ranking in Google and other search engines.

April Fools Fishing

After a nice day at work and the sun was shining I thought a few hours on the prom in the same spot I fished last time was in order... I was wrong having tried frozen lug on a running line rig this ended in no bites. I got chatting to two other lads 30 yards down from me and they advised peeler and then donated me one. I chopped it in half and straight away I had a bite which I promptly missed. As I was low on crab now I tipped the bit left with lug... Another bite which I missed as the lug had obscured the hook. I saw the two lads land a plaice a piece so I moved down closer to where they were where the graffiti'd beach shelter was.The fish are shown below.

As the wind had picked up and the sun had gone this became a comfortable haven. I tried lug again this time as now I was out of crab on a one hook boomed flapper and nothing... I would rue missing the best of the tide. But carried on chatting and trying on the lug again plagued by crabs... I will be fishing this venue again very soon so watch this space.